Matlab Alternative Colormaps The next generation of Colormap Extensions is the Colormap Extensions family. These include the standard GHCi Colormap API and another proprietary library (see ColormapExtensions.lib_getlocale ). Here is a summary of the difference in the API in the following examples: If you already know the standard Colormap Extensions, then you would probably want to develop with more advanced Colormap Extensions or Colormap Extensions-Extensions. This is because GHCi doesn’t support all of the Colormap Extensions you write for typeclasses, so any functionality you write from that library can still contain a lot of standard Colormap Extensions, even in GHCi. That’s the case even more with the ColormapExtension API. The ColormapExtension library directly tests against certain types from an existing library and can work with all the regular types from either GHCi or a non-GHCi compiler. It has other capabilities also from the Colormap Extension API and other functions that GHCi also supports. For example the library does not need to be called for each feature, but you can pass an option like “ ColormapExtension (default: _, function: _) “ to use it. Note that you need to use GHCi’s help library to actually do the analysis for your program. Using this library to do the analysis on all types in an existing library is great, but is missing the functionality of